Monday, December 6, 2010


Italian is one of the official languages in Venice and in addition the city has their own dialectVenessian. They also learn to speak English as the staff in most hotels and restaurants are usually required to speak a little English. Venessian is the local dialect of Venice and is normally being spoken around the locals. It is harder to pronounce than Italian and it sounds like a strange mix of Spanish and Portuguese.

For example,

  • Italian: (tu) eri sporco? ("were you dirty?").
  • Venetian: (ti)jèritu sporc? or even (ti) xèrito sporco? (lit. you were-you dirty?)
  • Italian: il cane era sporco? ("was the dog dirty?").
  • Venetian: el can jèrelo sporc[o]? ("the dog was-he dirty?").
  • Italian: (tu) ti sei domandato? ("you have asked yourself").
  • Venetian: (ti) te àtu/gatu/ghètu/ghèto domandà? (lit. "you to-yourself have-you asked?")

Click here to hear the sample of Italian language. The speed they speak Italian language is fast and hard to pronounce, just imagine how hard is to speak Venessian as they are more difficult to pronounce.

Italians have always use gestures to make their meaning clear as with so many dialects being spoken in Italy and foreign languages of visitors coming into the country. For example, the man will take their hats off if they are wearing one and bowed slightly when greeting someone.


Is this small interesting graphics cute and make you feel like learning their gestures? They looks easy to do and fun to learn.

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